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Column Header Template

I will ask if there is a way to customize a Column Header like Wrapping Text and centering the text?

    Thanks in advance

    Andrea Perazzolo

1 Reply

JR John Rajaram Syncfusion Team March 30, 2015 01:04 PM UTC

Hi Andrea,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

We would like to let you know that, currently there is no support for customizing column header of TreeGrid. Hence we have logged a feature request regarding this.

A support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.


But at present by workaround we can center align the header text of the column by modifying it’s CSS using the following code snippets.

Code snippet:





.e-headercelldiv {

text-align: center !important;




<body style="position: static; margin: 0px; padding: 2px">








We have also prepared a sample based on this and you can find the sample under the following location:

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/118646/TreeGridSampleMVC425913212.zip

Please let us know if you need more information on this.

John. R

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