I have a similar issue.
I have a SfMaskedEdit (phone number)
The mask is declared in code behind when page is loaded.
I put a TextChanged event to change the mask in function of the two first digits.
The mask is not changing and caret is going in the middle of the box.
In fact, the mask sould be :
"\\([0]\\d{0}\\)[1-9]\\d{1}\\/ [0-9]\\d{1}\\.[0-9]\\d{1}\\.[0-9]\\d{1}";
If the two first digits are '02' OR '03' OR '04'
The mask have to be :
\\([0]\\d{0}\\)[1-9]\\d{0}\\/ [0-9]\\d{2}\\.[0-9]\\d{1}\\.[0-9]\\d{1}"
Have y
Hi Paul Alexandre JANSSENS,
We are able to update the mask at run time using TextChanged event. Please refer to the attached sample and video for your reference.
Could you please share the following details?