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datalabel for chart

please Give list of all properties available for datalabel  of chart

1 Reply

JA Jayavigneshwaran Syncfusion Team March 4, 2015 04:43 AM UTC

Hi Kapla,

We have analyzed this and listed the properties available to customize the data labels in chart. Find it from the below table




                            commonSeriesOptions: {

                                type: 'line',



                                  dataLabel: {

                                      angle: -45,                      // to rotate the data label

                                      border: {

                                          color: "green",                // color of the border

                                          width: 2                        // width of the border


                                      connectorLine: {                   // this is for accumulation series

                                          type: "bezier",                 // type of the connector line

                                          width: 2                        // width of the connector line


                                      fill: "red",                      // background of the data label

                                      font: {                            // properties to customize the text in data label

                                          fontFamily: "algerain",

                                          fontStyle: "italic",

                                          fontWeight: "lighter",

                                          opactiy: 0.5,

                                          color: "white"


                                      horizontalTextAlignment: "far",   // to align the data label horizontally

                                      margin: {                           // properties to adjust the text inside the shape

                                          left: 10,

                                          right: 10,

                                          top: 10,

                                          bottom: 10


                                      opacity: 0.5,                 // opacity of the data label

                                      textPosition: "top",          // position to place the data label

                                      verticalTextAlignment: "far"// to align the data label vertical

                                      visible: true,                  // to toggle the visibility







And you can also refer the below API documentation link to know the available API’s and their syntax.

Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/UG/JS_CR/ejChart.html#series->marker->dataLabel


The below link show a sample with data label and data label template

Link:  http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure/chart/chartcustomization/labeltemplate


Please let us know if you have any concern.




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