commonSeriesOptions: {
type: 'line',
dataLabel: {
angle: -45, // to rotate the data label
border: {
color: "green", // color of the border
width: 2 // width of the border
connectorLine: { // this is for accumulation series
type: "bezier", // type of the connector line
width: 2 // width of the connector line
fill: "red", // background of the data label
font: { // properties to customize the text in data label
fontFamily: "algerain",
fontStyle: "italic",
fontWeight: "lighter",
opactiy: 0.5,
color: "white"
horizontalTextAlignment: "far", // to align the data label horizontally
margin: { // properties to adjust the text inside the shape
left: 10,
right: 10,
top: 10,
bottom: 10
opacity: 0.5, // opacity of the data label
textPosition: "top", // position to place the data label
verticalTextAlignment: "far", // to align the data label vertical
visible: true, // to toggle the visibility
}); |