Hi Hasan,
We deeply regret for the inconvenience caused.
Due to some technical reasons we have changed all the Collection properties in the Gantt control to readonly. But later, we have missed to update the changes in the online documentation. So we have confirmed this as bug and logged a document issue report on this. Also we have created a support incident under your account to track the status of this issue.
Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
We can render Holidays and striplines in Gantt control from aspx page. Now we request you to refer the following code snippets for defining “Holidays” and “Striplines” in Gantt control based on the localization. We can also change the localization of the Gantt chart, with the help of “Locale” property along with corresponding "columnHeaderTexts" and “editDialogTexts” culture fileds.
Code snippets:
In GanttSample.aspx file:
<body> <form id="form1" runat="server" onsubmit="return false" style="overflow: hidden; padding:0; margin: 0;height:100%;width:100%;"> <ej:Gantt ID="Gantt" runat="server"
//... Locale="tr-TR">
<Holidays> <ej:Holiday Background="yellowgreen" Day="2/25/2014" Label="yerel Tatil" /> <ej:Holiday Background="yellowgreen" Day="2/28/2014" Label="yerel Tatil" /> <ej:Holiday Background="yellowgreen" Day="3/04/2014" Label="yerel Tatil" /> <ej:Holiday Background="yellowgreen" Day="3/11/2014" Label="yerel Tatil" /> </Holidays> <StripLines> <ej:GanttStripLine Day="02/27/2014" Label="Proje Yayın" LineColor="red" LineStyle="dotted" LineWidth="5" /> <ej:GanttStripLine Day="03/07/2014" Label="Proje Yayın" LineColor="red" LineStyle="dotted" LineWidth="5" /> <ej:GanttStripLine Day="03/14/2014" Label="Proje Yayın" LineColor="red" LineStyle="dotted" LineWidth="5" /> </StripLines>
ej.Gantt.localization["tr-TR"] = { //string to display with dataSource contains 0 objects emptyRecord: "Hiçbir kayıt görüntülemek için",
//headerText to be displayed in gridtree columnHeaderTexts: { taskId: "görev Kimliği", taskName: "Görev ismi", startDate: "başlangıç tarihi", endDate: "bitiş tarihi", resourceInfo: "kaynak Bilgisi", duration: "süre", status: "durum", predecessor: "öncel", baselineStartDate: "Bazal Başlangıç Tarihi", baselineEndDate: "bazal Bitiş Tarihi" },
//string to display in dialog editDialogTexts: { addFormTitle: "Form Başlığı eklemek", editFormTitle: "düzenlemek Form Başlığı", saveButton: "düğmesine kaydetmek", cancelButton: "iptal düğmesi" }, }
</script> </form> </body> |
Following screen shots displays the Holidays and Striplines in Gantt chart.
We have also prepared a sample based on your localization along with “Holidays” and “Striplines”. Please find the sample in the following location.
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/118282/GanttTestSample-605609968.zip
Please let us know if you need more information on this.
John. R