Hi, I'm working on a WPF application that has the following requirements:
1. It's a grid.
2. Data source has a lot of data.
3. Data needs to be displayed virtualized (virtual grid, displaying data on demand).
4. The first time the app is loaded, it will display only 25 rows, 6 columns
5. After user scrolls down, new data needs to be obtained from datas source, and presented to the user.
I explored the GridDataControl, but the only option I found for displaying data on demand is by using paging, and what I need is to use a scrollbar.
I explored the GridControl, but the problem of virtualization (using querycellinfo) is that the data is read from the data source cell by cell (25 x 6 = 150 reads), and I need to perform just 1 read to bring all data (the function for read accepts a parameter indicating how many bytes you want to read, it could be 150 in this case), and then present it to the user.
I noticed that the version of GridControl for Windows Forms has two methods: gridControl1.QueryColCount and gridControl1.QueryRowCount that could help on this, but they are not available in WPF.
What is the recommended way to implement these requirements, and what control to use (GridControl or GridDataControl)?