I am currently evaluating your product in a SharePoint App
development context and encountered the following issue: I use a grid to
visualize data from a List that I query using REST. To do so I am using
a data Manager Object in this way:
var dataManger_VacationRequests = ej.DataManager({
url: listRESTUrl_VacationRequests,
crossDomain: false,
offline: true
listRESTUrl_VacationRequests is a URL to the REST service that already
includes all the data selection I need. After initializing the Grid
everything works fine and the data is displayed as expected. The issue
appears when I change the data (not via grid but using SharePoint API)
and try to refresh the grid by running this function:
function updateGrid() {
var dataManger = ej.DataManager({
url: listRESTUrl_VacationRequests,
crossDomain: true,
offline: true
$("#CommonGrid").ejGrid("dataSource", dataManger);
the Grid refreshes but does not show any data (see IMG1 in attached zip
file). However the data seems to be there since I can see a certain
count of items in the lower right corner of the grid. And I also am able
to select other pages then the first. If I do so (like selecting the
second page) the data appears again. When I go back to the first page
afterwards everything works fine again (see IMG1 and IMG2). For now I
have found a workaround. By executing
window.setTimeout(function () { $("#CommonGrid").ejGrid("refreshContent"); }, 700);
right after I set the new data Manager Object the data reappears. Hope this helps you a bit to reproduce the issue.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot for your