Hi Ranjan,
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support,
We request you to confirm
whether your requirement is to change the hover color
of BackStageButton, BackStageTab in
RibbonControlAdv. If this is your requirement, then
we would like to inform you that it can be achieved by setting
RibbonStyle as TouchStyle and by using ApplyTouchStyleColorTable() function. Please refer the below code snippet:
Code snippet[C#]:
TouchStyleColorTable TouchStylecolor = new TouchStyleColorTable();
= Color.Violet;
= Color.Pink;
We have prepared a sample for your requirement and it can be
downloaded from the following link.
Sample Link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/RibbonBackStage-1079849597.zip
Please let us know if we have misunderstood your query,