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Binding to non hierarhical data

Hi there,
My model seems very easy:

public class State
    public string Name {get; set;}

    public State(string name)
    { Name= name;}

public class Transition
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public State Source{ get; set;}
    public State Target {get; set;}
    public Transition(string name, State source, State target)
        Name = name;
        Source = source;
        Target = target;
public class DiagrammViewModel
    public ObservableCollection<State> States{get; set;}
    public ObservableCollection<Transition> Transitions{get; set;}
    public DiagrammViewModel(IEnumerable<State> states, IEnumerable<Transition> transitions)
        States = new ObservableCollection<State>(states);
        Transitions = new ObservableCollection<Transition>(transitions);

And I I create data:
var idle = new State("Idle");
var running = new State("Running");
var stopping = new State("Stopping");
var stopped = new State("Stopped");
var holding = new State("Holding");
var held = new State("Held");

var run = new Transition("Run", idle, running);
var stop = new Transition("Stop", running, stopping);
var stopped = new Transition("", stopping, stopped);
var reset = new Transition("Reset", stopped, idle);
var hold = new Transition("Hold", running, holding);
var holdingHeld = new Transition("", holding, held);
var diagrammViewModel = new DiagrammViewModel(states, transitios);

It seems like this:

I want to bind this data to diagramModel, but I can`t bind directly to Nodes and Connections properties
And if I bind diagramModel to State collection, I recive flat diagram without any connection.
How can I do it?
There are only hierarhical data binding  in samples that distributed with essential studio
Now I fill Nodes and Collections prorerties of DiagrammModel via code, but it cause inconvenience
P.S. Sorry for my English:)

1 Reply

SC Saranya Chandrasekaran Syncfusion Team November 21, 2014 11:35 AM UTC

Hi zzz,

We have analyzed about your requirement “Diagram using Nonhierarchical data with ItemSource”. This can be achieved in Diagram WPF with manual Layout (ItemSource for Node) and utility for Connectors in Application level.

Node and connector property of diagram is read-only, items cannot be added or removed from it, but it cannot be assigned with a new collection.

We have ItemsSource property that supports data-binding, we can do two things using this property.

1. A collection of business object can be assigned to it, a view (Node) will be generated for each business object.

2. When a hierarchy of objects (nested collection) are assigned, based on HierarchicalDataTemplate, a tree will be generated based on the parent child relationship.

So, using 1st approach, Node can generated through databinding through ItemSource property.

But, connector cannot be binded with items source. But we can work around this binding with a utility class in application level.

Your requirement can be achieved in application level by deriving the DiagramControl and providing two properties for binding your Data. But, adding/removing of the Node and Connector based on the given data should be handled manually in application level.

Please let us know if you have further assistance on this.

Saranya C

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