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Integration With Oracle forms 11g

We Developing  our  Software Products using Oracle Forms 11g , which has featur to call JavaScript Within Forms. How Can We setup Syncfusion JavaScript in Oracle forms 11g

4 Replies

SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team November 21, 2014 04:12 AM UTC

Hi Madou,


Thank you using Syncfusion Products.


We request you to confirm which control you are using in JS platform. The provided information could help us to provide you a prompt solution at the earliest.




Sarath Kumar P.

MA madou December 6, 2014 06:40 AM UTC


what do you mean by control used in JS platform? I am not JS Developer , our need to integrate Syncfusion With Oracle forms 11g R2


SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team December 15, 2014 12:55 PM UTC

Hi Madou,


Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


We would like to let you know that we have analyzed to integrate Syncfusion JavaScript with Oracle Forms 11g.We require VM(Virtual Machine) to integrate Syncfusion JavaScript with Oracle Forms 11g.So we will update you about integration of Syncfusion JavaScript with Oracle Forms 11g  on 17th December 2014.


Thanks for your patience.




Sarath Kumar P.



SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team December 17, 2014 02:40 PM UTC


Hi Madou,


Thanks for your patience.


We would like to let you know that Syncfusion java Script controls are pure JavaScript controls. So, you could integrate Syncfusion java script with Oracle forms. We suggest you to refer the Syncfusion JS online link.


Online Link: http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/web/#!/azure




Sarath Kumar P.


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