Hi Jim
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
Query |
response |
we'd like to allow our users to specify a size for their diagram, like
8.5" X 11". |
Currently we don’t have the option to set a diagram size
in inch. We consider this as a feature request and created a new incident 131536 on behalf of you related to this
forum. We suggest you to follow up the incident for further reference using
your direct trac account |
we'd like to show a ruler on the diagram so the user can see just how big
their diagram is, and whether it is extending beyond the page dimensions. |
Currently we don’t have the support for ruler on the
diagram. We consider this as a feature request and created a new incident 131536 on behalf of you related to this
forum. We suggest you to follow up the incident for further reference using
your direct trac account |
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G
Hi Jim
Please ignore our previous update.
Query |
response |
we'd like to allow our users to specify a size for their diagram, like
8.5" X 11". |
Currently we don’t have the option to set a diagram size
in inch. We consider this as a feature request and created a new incident 131536 on behalf of you related to this
forum. We suggest you to follow up the incident for further reference using
your direct trac account |
we'd like to show a ruler on the diagram so the user can see just how big
their diagram is, and whether it is extending beyond the page dimensions. |
Currently we don’t have the support for ruler on the
diagram. We consider this as a feature request and created a new incident 131536 on behalf of you related to this
forum. We suggest you to follow up the incident for further reference using
your direct trac account |
If you
set Print Area, there will be dotted lines showing what content will fall
outside that area. |
We have an “ShowPageBreak”property in pagesettings. We suggest you to set this “ShowPageBreak” property
as true so that there will
be dotted lines showing what content will fall outside that area. Here is
the code snippet Diagram1.Model.PageSettings.ShowPageBreak
= true; Here
is the sample
Please let me know if any concerns
Shyam G
Hi Jim
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We have forwarded your requirement to our development team and will update you with our development team’s response in one business day (1/19/2015).
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G
Hi Jim
Thanks for your patience.
We suggest you to set the pagesttings “ScrollLimit” property as “ScrollLimit.Diagram” so that scroll limit is within the diagram. Could you please check in the below sample? If you are still facing issues at your end, then please modify the below sample or provide video to reproduce the issue in our end?. This will help us to verify and to provide better solution. We have provided code snippet and video for your reference.
DiagramContent.PageSettings.ScrollLimit = ScrollLimit.Diagram;
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G
Hi Jim
Thanks for the update
We have analyzed your requirement with our sample and we are unable to reproduce the reported issue at our end. Could you please provide us more details such as sample or share us a sample script file that you have used in your application or modify the below sample to reproduce the reported issue at our end?. This will help us to verify and provide better solution to you. please refer the below sample and video for your reference.
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/117514/diagrambuilder-98189601.zip
Video: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/117514/scrolllimit-570918795.zip
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G