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How to lay an external editor on top of the current active cell

I am trying to overlay an external editor on top of the current active cell (we don't want to use GridControl's editors for various reasons).  My apporach is to create an adoner out of the current active cell and lay my custom control on top of it.   There are two issues I am facing currently

1) How to get the "bound" of current active cell.  I used Rect rect = AssociatedObject.RangeToClippedVisibleRect(args.CellRowColumnIndex) in the event handler of CurrentCellActivating, but the "Rect" always has some offset and is not the correct "bound" of the current active cell

2) How to get the Adorner of the current active cell when CellType is "Static" (since cell model's rendered control is null in the case)

Thanks in advance for the help.


1 Reply

KB Kanimozhi Bharathi Syncfusion Team October 27, 2014 04:46 PM UTC

Hi Ming,

We have analyzed your query and you can achieve your requirement “Load your own custom control in edit mode” by creating Custom CellRenderer like below.

public class CustomGridCellRenderer : GridVirtualizingCellRenderer<ContentControl>


    public CustomGridCellRenderer()




You can load your custom control instead of ContentControl. By overriding the OnInitializeContent method of GridVirtualizingCellRenderer<T> class, you can initialize your custom control. Please refer the attached sample for your reference.

You can also refer our Dashboard sample “Custom DropDown Demo” which is under the below path in Syncfusion Dashboard.

Path: WPF Dashboard -> CellGrid -> CellTypes -> Custom DropDown Demo

Please let us know if you need any information.


Kanimozhi B

Attachment: CustomRenderer_Sample1474809702_2d39a33a.zip

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