Hi Neeraj
Thanks for using syncfusion products.
We have created a sample to meet your requirements and it is available in the below link.
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G
Hi Neeraj
Thanks for the update.
We have resolved your issue in the sample and attached below.
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/neerajsample1148734151.zip
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G
Hi Neeraj
Thanks for the update.
We have created a simple sample as follows.
Save button-We have used save button to save the diagram in database.
Add button-when we click the add button, new rectangle shape will be created.
Dropdown- A dropdown displays the id of the saved diagram in database. When we select the id, diagram will be displayed.
Here is the sample
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/general/databasesample2118633188.zip
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G.
Hi Neeraj
We have modified a sample to meet your requirement and attached below.
Please let me know if any concerns.
Shyam G