I figured out an interesting behavior on the Syncfusion Chart Control for WinRt. I have an application for different cultures (en-US and de-DE). To change the ui to German I have to set the primary language of the tablet to German and vice versa, all strings are in *.resw files.
Now I am navigate to the page where the Chart control is on. During the initialization of the Page I get an System.FormatException from the control (the exception from the Output Window: "A first chance exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Syncfusion.SfGrid.WinRT.DLL.")
If I change the primary language of the system back to English, the chart can itself initialize correctly and everything is fine.
The problem I think is, that inside the control values as strings are passed into double.Parse method, for the German setting the input string is like 0,5 what causes the exception.
The version of the controls is
Is this a known problem? Are there any solutions?