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Charts Drawing Broken

I have an issue using the pie charts on Windows and Windows Phone.  

The attached file gives you a screenshot of the issue.  You'll see that the chart on the right has a malformed pie slice drawn.

This tends to happen when I navigate back to a page, not the first time the page is rendered.  I believe something is not being reset, some state from the previous drawing is being left behind.  My code to populate the chart is called from the OnNavigatedTo function, so my code refreshes the chart even when the user goes back to the page.  As far as I can tell I am resetting everything, so I believe it's something internal to the chart control.

Thank you.

Attachment: chart_fafd3562.zip

1 Reply

SJ Sumathi Jayaraj Syncfusion Team August 19, 2014 12:24 PM UTC

Hi Michael,


We have analyzed your reported issue and we are unable to reproduce the issue at our end. We have prepared a sample based on your requirements and it is available below. If problem persist, please modify the below sample in order to reproduce the issue and update us.  It will be helpful for us to investigate further.


Please let us know if you have any queries.



Sumathi J

Attachment: WindowsNavigation_1bc4bf9d.zip

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