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Change language from buttom GridRowEditUpdateLink into gridGroupingControl


I'm trying to customize the message confirmation: "Delete record?" to another language when I press the GridRowEditUpdateLink button, but I have not got.

<Syncfusion:GridColumnDescriptor Name="Eliminar" ReadOnly="True" AllowGroupByColumn="False">
            <Syncfusion:GridRowEditUpdateLink ID="btnEliminar" UpdateLinkText="" CancelLinkText=""
                                            ShowDeleteLink="true" ShowEditLink="False" DeleteImageUrl="../../libreria/img/button_cancel.png"
                                            runat="server" DeleteLinkText="Delete">
        <ColumnHeaderCell WrapText="True" HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
        <AnyRecordFieldCell CultureInfo="es-PE" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextAlign="Left" VerticalAlignment="Middle" />
I have referenced the LocalizationPath and Localize into  gridGroupingControl but I have no results

Localize="es-PE" LocalizationPath="~\App_GlobalResources"

Any ideas how I can get this?


1 Reply

SK Shanmugaraja K Syncfusion Team August 5, 2014 11:34 AM UTC

Hi Jimmy,


Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


We would like to let you know that the localization for Delete Confirmation Message has not added in your resource file which is the cause of your reported issue. We suggest you to add ConfirmDeleteMessage name  and relevant value for that name in your resource file to resolve your issue. We have prepared a simple sample with your requirement and the same can be downloaded from the below link.


Please let us know if you need further assistance.



Shanmugaraja K

Attachment: LocalizationSample_(2)_c86b6b8.zip

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