Hi Jesus,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We have analyzed your requirement and we suggest you to use “PieType” property of chart series for set shadow effect in the border of pie chart and we have created a simple sample and it can be downloaded from the following link.
Please refer the code snippet to achieve this.
//to set shadow effect in border of chart.
chartModel.Series[0].ConfigItems.PieItem.PieType = ChartPieType.OutSide;
//to set the font with y value
series1.Styles[0].Text = string.Format("{0}%", series1.Points[0].YValues[0]);
series1.Styles[1].Text = string.Format("{0}%", series1.Points[1].YValues[0]);
series1.Styles[2].Text = string.Format("{0}%", series1.Points[2].YValues[0]);
series1.Styles[3].Text = string.Format("{0}%", series1.Points[3].YValues[0]);
series1.Styles[4].Text = string.Format("{0}%", series1.Points[4].YValues[0]);
//to set size of font in pie chart
series1.Style.Font.Size = 20;
Please let us know if you have any concern.
Hi Jesus,
Thanks for your update.
Currently we don’t have support to set the shadow effect on border of pie chart. We have added it to our feature request list. We will consider this feature in any of our upcoming release, you can check our Syncfusion website for this.
Please let us know if you have any concern,
Hi Jesus,
Thank you for the response,As mentioned in our previous update you can check our website for this implementation.
Please let us know if you have any concern.