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Change Column FontSize and InputScope

Dear Sir:

I have 2 question :
   1. how can i change 「GridNumericColumn」 edit fontsize and keyboard inputscope(InputScope="Number")
       [see attach image GridNumericColumnQuestion.png]

   2. how can i change 「GridComboBoxColumn」 dropdown item fontsize
       [see attach images GridComboBoxColumnQuestion.png]

Thank for your help.

Attachment: Question_36c8046c.zip

1 Reply

AN Ashok N Syncfusion Team May 3, 2014 01:19 PM UTC

Hi Wei,

You can change the FontSize and also InputScope by writing styles for NumericTextBox and ComboBox as like in the below code snippet,


Code snippet:



        <Style TargetType="syncTools:SfNumericTextBox">

            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="20"/>

            <Setter Property="InputScope" Value="Number"/>


        <Style TargetType="ComboBox">

            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="20"/>




We have created a sample to achieve this requirement and please check the following sample link:



Please let us know if you have any queries.



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