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Issues with the OnScheduleTapped event


The only way to know that an appointment has been selected is via the event OnScheduleTapped. This event is using for anything that is touched on the schedule. This lead to some misbehaviour:

1- Select an empty area in the schedule.
2- You'll get an event with the parameter ScheduleTappedEventArgs with a Null value for Appointment as expected.
3- Select an appointment.
4- You'll get an event with the parameter ScheduleTappedEventArgs with a non-Null value for Appointment as expected.
5- Click on the button previous or next month, you'll also get the ScheduleTapped event with with the parameter ScheduleTappedEventArgs with a non-Null value for Appointment.

This cause a serious issue because we can't differentiate between a selection of an appointment or a any other click on the schedule.

Ideal solution:
- We would like a specific event when the button previous / next month is clicked.
- We would like a specific event when the button previous / next day is clicked.
- We would like a specific event when an appointment is selected.

Thank you


3 Replies

JO Joy Oyiess Rex  K Syncfusion Team April 22, 2014 01:00 PM UTC

Hi Sébastien,


Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.


Regarding SelectedAppointment

Other than  ScheduleTapped event, we are able to get the SelectedAppointment in the ContextMenuOpening event of SfSchedule.


ContextMenuOpening event will not raise when tapped on those(Previous and Next) buttons. But when click on the those(Previous and Next) buttons, as ScheduleTapped event raised with previously SelectedAppointment in it. We have consider this as an issue. And we will fix this issue in our upcoming WinRT SP release.


Regarding Previous/Next button Click event


Currently we don’t provide any direct support (event) to listen the Click/Tapped events for those(Previous and Next) buttons, but we are able to achieve your requirement by bind the VisibleDates property of the SfSchedule with the local property. So that your requirement can be achieved by listening set() of that local property. We have prepared a simple sample for the same, please find the sample in the attachment.


We have consider “Tapped event  for Previous and Next buttons” as a feature and we have logged a report regarding  this in our database. We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming releases.


Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.



Joy Oyiess Rex K

SL Sébastien Lachance April 22, 2014 01:51 PM UTC

Thanks, the ContextMenuOpening fixed the issue. Also, it is even better than ScheduleTappedEventArgs, because it returns our custom AppointmentViewModel.

JO Joy Oyiess Rex  K Syncfusion Team April 23, 2014 04:41 AM UTC

Hi Sébastien,

Thanks for your update.

We are glad to hear that, the mentioned issue resolved. As mentiond in our previous update the fix for ScheduleTapped event will be included in our upcoming WinRT Sp release.

Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.

Joy Oyiess Rex K

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