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Can't Implement Schedule on MVC4

I am very much new in syncfusion. I am try to add schedule in my project. For that i firstly generate the sample project from syncfusion dashboard. It is working. Then i am try to add this my project for that i copy all the view page, controller actions,and Images folder. But i got a blank page as output. I also add all references to the controller. Can anybody please tell me exactly what is the problem.

3 Replies

VS Velmurugan S Syncfusion Team March 28, 2014 06:58 AM UTC

Hi Parvathy,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.


We would like to inform you that, we can able to reproduce the above mentioned issue while following the same way mentioned by you in the forum. Therefore, we suggest you to follow the below steps to overcome the mentioned issue.


Step 1: Add the handlers in the web.config page:





<add verb="GET,HEAD" path="MvcResourceHandler.axd" type="Syncfusion.Mvc.Shared.MvcResourceHandler, Syncfusion.Shared.Mvc, Version=11.4400.0.26, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89" validate="false" />






<add verb="GET,HEAD" name="MvcResourceHandler" path="MvcResourceHandler.axd" type="Syncfusion.Mvc.Shared.MvcResourceHandler, Syncfusion.Shared.Mvc,      Version=11.4400.0.26, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89" />






Step 2: Add the Style Manager and Script Manager in the layout page:




        .Register(component =>













         @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)






Step 3: Refer the jQuery in the layout page:





        <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>




        .Register(component =>





And also we have prepared the sample for your reference, which can be downloaded from the following location.




And also we suggest you to look into our below online UG documentation link to know more about adding the Syncfusion control to the project.




Please let us know if it helps, and any further assistance on this.



PA Parvathy March 28, 2014 08:55 AM UTC

Thank you very much Mr Velmurugan S

i got the scheduler in my html page. but still there is a problem, for adding the schedule double click on the day, there is a pop up comes and give the data, and click on save button .. that is not saved, only show the loading symbol. can you please help me

VS Velmurugan S Syncfusion Team March 31, 2014 06:56 AM UTC

Hi Parvathy,


Thanks for your update.


We would like to inform you  that, we are suspect that you may missed to add the “Post” action method to save the appointment details in the server side(Controller page). Therefore, we suggest you to add the “Post” action method in controller page for necessary actions like save, edit, delete, etc.. For your reference we have given the “Post action code snippet for save” below that need to add in the controller page  to “Save” action takes effect.




        public ActionResult ScheduleFeatures(Params args, Schedule scheduleObject)



            if (args.CurrentAction == "Save")



                ScheduleAppointment appoint = new ScheduleAppointment()


                    Id = intMax + 1,

                    StartTime = startTime.ToString(),

                    EndTime = endTime.ToString(),







            return result;




Please let us know if it helps, otherwise get back with us some more information like any script errors throws in the “firebug” while saving the appointments or share your “View Page & Controller page” code details with us. Hence, we will happy to help you further on this.




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