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Hiding Dimensions and Cube

Hi Everyone..
I need so much apply a user acces control in my "OlapClient" but i dont know how can i do that..
First i need hide some cube because i have 4 to show to adm and just 1 for another users..
then i need this behaviour to dimensions...

when i say hide i talking about de "cube selector" list and "Cube Dimensional Browser" tree.

sorry about the english... 
But i realy need it..


3 Replies

NM Narendhran M Syncfusion Team February 27, 2014 11:02 AM UTC

Hi Ramon,
We hope that the solution for the above query has been already provided in the incident : 119635
Kindly follow-up with the incident.

M. Narendhran.

EC echo April 24, 2014 06:30 AM UTC

i can't see the incident 119635 , why?

PS Prabu S Syncfusion Team April 24, 2014 12:37 PM UTC

Hi Ramon,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

If could not able to see the incident, kindly check your licence. only the licensed user will be able to view the incident by using their DT account.

In order to achieve your requirement, we have jquery fuction for the Cube Selector and Cube Dimension Browser items to hide. Please find the same below.

Code snippet[.cshtml]:

<script type="text/javascript">


   //Hide Cube selector dropdown list





    //Hide entire cube browser window



    //Remove particular dimention from cube browser



Please use below condition to removing specific element.

Solution 1:

Use the below provided code to remove the specific element.

Code Snippet:                                                                                                         


Solution 2:

Another alternate option is that you can filter the cube elements directly in SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Service) itself by setting roles for the OLAP Cube. Based on the role option set in connection string only the applicable/permitted elements of the OLAP Cube will be displayed in the control.

Example connection string pointing roles: "Data Source=http://bi.syncfusion.com/olap/msmdpump.dll; Roles=Role1; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;"


Please let us know if you have any concerns.



Prabu S.

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