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Setting the selected tab

Simply put, I am trying to set the selected tab for the DockingManager after creating a new DockingManager (named newPage in my example) and adding it to the main DockingManager's (named MainDockManager in my example) children. I have tried calling
    MainDockManager.Children[MainDockManager.Children.Count - 1].Focus() 
Non of those seem too work.
How do I set the selected tab?

1 Reply

BA Berkunath A Syncfusion Team February 18, 2014 05:25 AM UTC

Hi Branden, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have prepared a sample that tries to meet your requirement. You can select the tab by ActivateWindow method and name of the Child should be passed as argument. 

Sample Link: DockingManagerSelectTab.zip 

In this sample we have select the newpage child by click the button. Please have a look at the sample at let us know if it helps you. 


Berkunath A

Attachment: DockingManagerSelectTab_11a1a0.zip

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