I made a symbol of my own as symbol palette Item and I added just three ports to that node one input and two output then i dragged that item to the DiagrammView and went to check on the number of the ports and it was 6 instead of 3 so how can I keep JUST my three ports
Hi Abdallah,
We have analysed your query regarding ports count
getting increased while drag and drop from symbol palette. We could found that
from our side. Internally we modify ports collection while serilizing and
deserializing process. Finally we will maintain the ports collection as same. We suspect that you have checked ports count before that
process ends. Could you please check with node loaded event, there you can get
same no of ports in it. We checked that too.
Parthiban A.
hi Parthiban
I am facing an other problem , is there any way to determine if a port is already connecte or not ? becouse I am trying to destrict the connection from output ports so that every one can be used just once as Headport
best regards
abdallah rabah
Hi Abdallah,
We don’t have property to check whether port is
connected. But we have to write own logic to check status of port. We have
created a sample in which, we created CustomPort having property named “IsConnected”.
The IsConnected property is being updated in ConnectorDragEnd event. Connector
drag end event will be fired whenever the connector ends are dragged. By checking
the IsConnected property we can allow connector to connect that port. Hence we
can restrict the connection port to be connected to single line at a time. For more information kindly refer the attached
You can also refer our dash board sample InPortOutPort
WPF à Diagram à
Editable Diagram àInPortOutPortDemo