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DocToPdf Converter : Images in Word doc are not always displayed in the final PDF

I am trying to convert a Word of 380 pages with lot of images (linked images), and in the final PDF not all of them are displayed.
During the conversion this errors are raised : 
        'System.OutOfMemoryException' in System.Drawing.dll
        'Syncfusion.Pdf.PdfException' in  Syncfusion.Pdf.Base.dll

Small Word Doc are perfectly converted. 

Any advice ? 

My Code :

    For Each fichier As String In listeFichierASigner
                Dim wordDoc As WordDocument
                Dim pdfDoc As PdfDocument
                Dim converter As DocToPDFConverter
                Dim strNomFichier = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(fichier)
                strNomFichier = strNomFichier.Substring(0, strNomFichier.Length - 4)
                wordDoc = New WordDocument(fichier)
                converter = New DocToPDFConverter()
                pdfDoc = converter.ConvertToPDF(wordDoc)
                pdfDoc.Save(String.Format("{0}{1}.pdf", StrCheminPdfAVerifier, strNomFichier))

1 Reply

PH Praveenkumar H Syncfusion Team November 11, 2013 07:40 AM UTC

Hi LtDan,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products,

Please provide us the input word document, it will help us to investigate further in this issue.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

With Regards,

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