Hi latha,
Thank you for your update.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused, In your machine you have
installed the same version of Syncfusion
essential studio version and Syncfusion
QTP add on. And please do the following steps in your system and let me know if
this resolved the issue from your end.
Install the Visual studio 2008 and 3.5
frame work sdk in your machine.
Reinstall the Syncfusion essential
studio and then Syncfusion QTP Add on in same machine.
P Please ensure you don’t have any
other version of Essential studio in GAG.
Rebuild the application in same
And also please check the framework
off application and referred Syncfusion assemblies whether is refers the same
version of assemblies.
Take the new exe file after rebuild
the application and test this in HP QTP as we discussed in earlier.
We hope these will helps to you to resolve the reported
issue. Please provide the any screenshot or some more details
regarding the issue we will provide prompt solution for this.
Vinish K.