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MergeImageFieldEventArgs.FieldValue is null while executing MailMerge


I’m using the Mail merge engine to generate a document from a docx template. 

I was first using:


And everything was working fine.

But since I only have one row in my table, I used this method:

Doc.MailMerge.Execute(myFieldNames, myFieldValues);

Now in my MergeImageFieldEventHandler, my MergeImageFieldEventArgs FiledValues are null for the Image FieldName.

Is MergeImageFieldEventHandler not entirely compatible with this execution of MailMerge ?

3 Replies

PM Prasanth M B Syncfusion Team June 3, 2013 09:10 AM UTC

Hi Decker,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We are unable to reproduce the mentioned issue. We have prepared a sample for merging the image using MergeImageFieldEventArgs. Kindly find the sample in the given attachment and please let us know if this helps you. 

If the reported issue is reproduced on your end, kindly provide us the sample, so that we can further analyze and update you appropriate details.

Please let us know if you have any questions.



DE Decker June 4, 2013 09:55 AM UTC


Thank you for your answer, I made a sample exposing my problem:

I took yours and add a field in the form letting you chose between MailMErge using FieldNames & FieldValues or using a DataTable.

As you will see, when using a DataTable the MergeImageFieldEventHandler is fine, but when using FieldNames and FieldValue the MergeImageFieldEventHandler throw an error.

This is due to the fact that the MergeImageFieldEventArgs.FiledValue is null when executing a MailMerge with FieldNames and FiledValues, but i don't understand why.

Thank you for your time.


PM Prasanth M B Syncfusion Team June 5, 2013 12:29 PM UTC

Hi Decker,

Thank you for your update.

We are able to reproduce the mentioned FieldValue null exception while Mail merging with image. Could you please report this issue through Direct Trac Developer Support System (https://www.syncfusion.com/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fsupport%2fdirecttrac%2fincidents because you can take the advantage of the expertise of a dedicated support engineer and a guaranteed response time and we hope you will take advantage of this system as well. If you have already reported, please ignore this.


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