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Formatting with window syncfusion grid


We are using .NET framework as 4.0 with c# window application.We want below functionalities into the grid :
1) Parent & child grid (multiple bands)
2) Formatting :
     (a) copy data from any source (like mirosoft word) to grid column, its formatting(bold,italic,underline,font size,color etc) should not change and user should be able to save same data with same formatting into database i.e while retrieving same data from database to display into grid, it should display into same format (bold,italic,underline,font size,color etc)
(b) There can be multiple buttons on window form screen like (bold,italic,underline,font size,color etc) .
      User can select multiple row(s)/column(s)/single column of a row from grid and click on any button.Format should be apply on all 
       selected row(s)/column(s) .
(c) User can select some text from single column of a row and click on any button of the screen (like bold,italic,underline,font size,color etc).Formatting should be apply only on selected text

3) Automatic sorting,filtering ,grouping and hiding/unhiding the columns without writing any extra heavy code
4) Developer should be able to create all type of column (like checkbox,dropdown,editable/non-editable column etc ) by chaging the property of column without writing any extra heavy code
5) EditorControl property should be applicable for all column i.e. if there is date column in grid and user click on it.Calander should be display .Developer should be able to do this without writing any extra heavy code
6) show week no in calender control

Please let me know which above functionalities can be implemented/ not implemented by using syncfusion grid ?

1 Reply

VK Vinish Kumar K Syncfusion Team May 20, 2013 06:26 AM UTC

Hi Nitin Varshneya,


Thank you your interest in Syncfusion  products.




Parent & child grid (multiple bands)

You can handle the parent and child table in GGC using the relation and other ways. Please refer the following sample regarding this. Relation And Hierarchy section of dashboard shows regarding this. Refer the sample from this.


<Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Relation And Hierarchy


You can format the grid and can export this to excel and word using the excel export please refer the following sample for more details.


Formatting :

GroupingGridFormatCellDialog dialog = new GroupingGridFormatCellDialog(this.gridGroupingControl1);


Sample : <Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Styling and Formatting\Cell Formatting Demo\


For export to word : <Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Exporting\Word Converter Demo\

Automatic sorting,filtering ,grouping and hiding/unhiding the columns

GGC support the sorting. Please refer the following code for sorting.


this.gridGroupingControl1.Engine.TableDescriptor.SortedColumns.Add("Country", ListSortDirection.Ascending); 


Please refer the sample file also for this you can handle using this.


<Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Sorting\Sorting Demo\




For filter you can wire the grid into file. Please refer the below code and also check this in your application for this.


this.gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowFilterBar = true;


            //Change the appearance of the Filter Row.            

            this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Appearance.FilterBarCell.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue;


            //Enable the Filter for each Column.

            for(int i = 0 ; i< gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Columns.Count;i++ )

            gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Columns[i].AllowFilter = true; 



<Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Filters and Expressions\Filter Bar Demo

Developer should be able to create all type of column

Yes, you can use the cell type using the properties. CellType and GridCustomCellType. Please refer the following codes in your application and refer the sample file also.


this.gridGroupingControl1.Appearance.ColumnHeaderCell.CellType = "My Column Header"; 


Sample file:

<Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<version>\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Getting Started\Custom Cell Type Demo\cs

EditorControl property should be applicable for all column

Yes, EditorControl property is applicable for all column. Just assign the cellType for the column and you can able to get the solution.


this.gridGroupingControl1.Appearance.ColumnHeaderCell.CellType = "My Column Header"; 




Please refer  the sample from our dashboard and let me know your suggestion. If you need more information regarding this we will provide proper response regarding this.




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