Hi Todd,
The Label is the part of the Node, so the Label should not be outside the boundaries of the Node. It should be remains within the boundary. However, to avoid the Label cropped with in the Node, we are suggested you to please set the LabelTextWrapping property of the node as Wrap. For more information please refer the following code snippet and attached image.
Code Snippet :
Node node = new Node() {Width=50,Height=50,Shape=Shapes.Rectangle,Label="LabelWithWraping"}; //Set the LabelTextWrapping node.LabelTextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; diagramModel.Nodes.Add(node); |
Please let us know if you require further assistance on this.
Sudhakar C
Private Function addNode()
'Create the actual node, but it is too small to display a label
Dim actualNode As New Node()
actualNode.Height = 15
actualNode.Width = 15
actualNode.Shape = Shapes.Triangle
actualNode.OffsetX = 50
actualNode.OffsetY = 50
actualNode.Label = “Name”
actualNode.LabelVisibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden
'Create another node to act as a label for the actual node
Dim labelNode As New Node()
labelNode.Height = 20
labelNode.Width = 80
actualNode.Shape = Shapes.Rectangle
= actualNode.OffsetX + 20
= actualNode.OffsetX - 5
= “Name”
labelNode.LabelHorizontalAlignment = Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left
labelNode.AllowSelect = False
'Add the NodeDragging event handler
AddHandler diagramView.NodeDragging, AddressOf diagramView_NodeDragging
End Sub
Private Sub
diagramView_NodeDragging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal evtArgs As NodeRoutedEventArgs)
'Identify the node
being moved by label name and hidden properties, and reposition the label node
with it.
For i = 0 To
diagramModel.Nodes.Count - 1
If diagramModel.Nodes(i).Label = evtArgs.Node.Label And diagramModel.Nodes(i).LabelVisibility =
Windows.Visibility.Visible Then
If evtArgs.Node.LabelVisibility = Windows.Visibility.Hidden Then
diagramModel.Nodes(i).OffsetX =
evtArgs.Node.OffsetX + 20
diagramModel.Nodes(i).OffsetY =
evtArgs.Node.OffsetY - 5
End If
End If
End Sub
Hi Todd,
Thanks for the update. Your previous update will be work fine. And also, please let us know if you have any other concerns. As always, we will be happy to assist you. Thanks for using Syncfusion Products.
Sudhakar C