Hi Farhan,
Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.
Regarding Load document with specific
page number as starting page and find within document in Windows Store apps:
At this moment we do not have support to navigate pages from code behind
and search the contents in SfRichTextBoxAdv control and this feature
requirement has already been added in our features list. We do have plans to
add unsupported features incrementally in our future releases based on feature
importance. At this moment we cannot provide any concrete timeline for this
feature. We will let you know once this feature has been implemented.
Regarding control to display Excel files
in Windows Store apps:
At this moment we do not have any UI control to read Excel documents in
Windows Store apps. We have a class library (XlsIO) for creating and
manipulating Excel files in non UI environment; kindly make use of it, if it
fits for your requirement.
For more information regarding the functionalities of RichTextBoxAdv, and XlsIO
please do refer our UG documentation from the following link.
UG Documentation link:
Please let us know if you have any other questions.