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How can I print a range of pages from a PdfDocumentView?

I have a PdfDocumentView and would like to be able to print a range of pages from it.

I am printing from the PdfDocumentView.PrintDocument.Print() method, and I am first setting the PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.FromPage, ToPage, and PrintRange (to SomePages).  All pages of the document are printing no matter how I configure these options.  What do I need to do in order to allow a user to print only a range of pages?


5 Replies

US Uthistran S Syncfusion Team April 4, 2013 07:16 AM UTC

Hi Timothy,
Thanks for your update.

At present, we do not support printing within a specific range values. However we have created a workaround to perform this by exporting images of the required pages. We have updated the sample in the below link.

Printing Sample

Please let us know if you have any other concerns.

Uthistran S.

TN Timothy N Tow September 17, 2013 04:27 PM UTC

Hi Uthistran/team,

I would like to incorporate your workaround for printing a range of pages by exporting the pages to images.  Could you upload another copy of the printing sample for me?  The previous attachment is no longer available, and I do not have access to the original any more.


US Uthistran S Syncfusion Team September 18, 2013 09:15 AM UTC

Hi Timothy,

Thank you for your update.

We can now print a range of pages from a PdfDocumentView without any work around since, we have implemented this by setting “PrintDocument.PrinterSettings.FromPage, ToPage, and PrintRange (to SomePages)” and it is already added in our latest Essential Studio volume 3 release.

We have attached a simple sample for Printing the pages in certain page range and it can be downloaded from the below location.
Sample: WFPrintRange.zip

Please, verify the sample and let us know if you need any further assistance.


Uthistran S.

TN Timothy N Tow September 18, 2013 03:25 PM UTC

Thank you so much!

This was one of the biggest blocker issues we have had with the PdfDocumentView control.  Brilliant work.


US Uthistran S Syncfusion Team September 20, 2013 07:32 AM UTC

Hi Timothy,
Thank you for your update.
Please, let us know if you need any further assistance.
Uthistran S.

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