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Complex grid example for mvc4+razor


I would like to see a complex grid (with sorting,paging,grouping,ability to add new columns on the fly) example with both the model,view,controller attached.

After generating sample with the sample creator i've got only 4 simple grids example.
I've tried to mix them with the examples on the web side demos but the source provides different functionality, plus there is no source of the model.

How do I get this to work with MSSQL generated data manipulated into an entity(Ienumarable)? , Please help.

Many thanks.

4 Replies

RD Rakesh D Syncfusion Team March 26, 2013 07:10 PM UTC


Hi Joe,


Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products.


We have created a simple sample for Grid with Paging , Sorting , Grouping, Dynamic DataBinding and it is attached below. Please refer to it.


We would like to let you that to create sample similar to our online sample browser you can refer the Samples stored in your system which is installed by default when you install Essential Studio. To explore the samples stored in your system, open Syncfusion Dashboard , choose ASP.NET MVC under Essential Studio and then click “Explore Samples” which is at bottom right hand side.


Please refer below online documentation link which will be helpful for you to start with MVC Grid.


Online Documentation Link : http://help.syncfusion.com/asp.net%20mvc/grid


Please let us know if you have any concerns.



Rakesh D




JO Joe March 27, 2013 08:40 AM UTC


Many thanks for the reply and sample.

I've already made it so far with Grouping,Sorting,Paging like in the samples by myself.

However, Adding new columns(From table) on the fly is still something I will need in my project, For example:

The default lanuched table will have Columns that were checked to be displayed on the load:

Product Name, Product Branch, Sum.

I would like to have checkboxes or dragable columns (Based on all the tables available columns that can be displayed and added to the view) that I can add more or remove columns on the display (without group over group).

So if I check now : Salary
The columns on the view will be:

Product Name, Product Branch, Sum, Salary.

Many thanks in advance!

JO Joe April 2, 2013 08:02 AM UTC

Here's an illustration on what I'm trying to achieve:

RD Rakesh D Syncfusion Team April 8, 2013 12:44 PM UTC


Hi Joe,


Thanks for your update.


We have provided solution for the above query to your incident id #106286. We request you to follow up the mentioned incident id for further queries on it.


Please let us know if you have any concerns.



Rakesh D



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