Hi Hayssam,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
1. I would like after dropping my Symbols from Palette, that my
symbol to be automatic labeled with Text |
We suggest you to use the Diagram’s “NodeDropFromPalette” event to
add labels to the node after dropping the symbols from paletteGroupBar.
Please refer the below code snippet to achieve your requirement. Here is the code: [C#] protected void
sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Diagram.NodeDropFromPaletteEventArgs
e) { if
(e.Node is PathNode
|| e.Node is Group) { PathNode
node = e.Node as PathNode; if
(node != null) node.Labels.Add(new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label( node, node.Name)); else { Group
gnode = e.Node as Group; node.Labels.Add(new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label (gnode, gnode.Name)); } } } Here is the sample: |
2. Label Text always editable after double clicking the node |
Currently we don’t have support to edit the labels while double
clicking the node. This has been already confirmed as a feature. Please
create a DT incident for your query so that we can update the patch for this
feature. |
Please let us know if you have any queries.
Amsath Ali. M
Hi Hayssam,
Thanks for your update.
Currently we don’t have support to edit
the labels while double clicking the node in DiagramWeb. This has been already
confirmed as a feature and the implementation of this feature is in progress.
For this, Please create a DT incident for your query so that we can update the
patch for this feature.
You can create the DT incident from the following link.
In the interests of maintaining confidentiality, we have a policy of not
sharing patches or otherwise proprietary customer specific information in the
public Forum.
Please let us know if you have any
Amsath Ali. M
Hi Hayssam,
Thanks for your update.
We are afraid that we are unable to reproduce the issue
reported by you at our end. Could you please share us more information probably
a simple sample which reproduces the reported issue, this will help us to
reproduce the issue effectively at our end and to provide a better solution to
Please refer the below attached video and let us know if you
have any queries.
Amsath Ali. M