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TransitionContentControl..... Documentation?

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to use this control.  However, I've found plenty of samples.  I have one working but it doesn't like to have a ListView inside of it.  It doesn't give the ability to scroll.  Am I using this the wrong way?

2 Replies

MS Michael Sherburne March 10, 2013 01:54 PM UTC

I meant to add TransitionContentControl for WinRT.


KL Karthikeyan L Syncfusion Team March 11, 2013 02:10 PM UTC

Hi Michael,


RightNow we are using the Transition content control for our internal purpose, we will consider your request and include the documentation in future. You can use the control by including Syncfusion.SfShared.WinRT.dll.


We have prepared a basic sample using Transition Content control and we have attached it for your reference.


[Sample link]: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/Support/DirectTrac/General/TransitionContentControl_Demo-1337357043.zip



TransitionContentControl will only accepts the business object as its content and animate the content based on the animation set with the transition property.


Please let us know if you have any queries.




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