Hi Filippo,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion forums.
Currently we do not have Window control in Tools MVC product. We would like to suggest you the Syncfusion Dialog control. Dialog control is same as the Window control in its properties and features. Please refer the below online sample link and documentation link for more details on Dialog control,
Sample link: http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/ui/tools/dialog/throughview
Documentation Link : http://help.syncfusion.com/ug/asp.net%20mvc/tools/default.htm#!documents/dialog.htm
Kindly have a look at the above links and let us know if this Dialog control would meet your requirement.
Hi Filippo
Thanks for the update.
Your requirement of placing an iframe inside Syncfusion dialog can be achieved using the following code snippet,
<div id="dialogContents" style="visibility: hidden">
<iframe id="dialogframe" src="Home/About" height="300px" width="400px"></iframe>
@Html.Syncfusion().Dialog("dialogContents").Height(400).Width(450).Title("Dialog with Iframe")
We have prepared a simple sample with above requirement for your convenience and it can be downloaded from the below link.
Kindly have a look at the sample and let us know if your requirement is met.
Hi Filippo,
Thanks for the update.
Could you please let us know whether your intention is to use Asp.Net Window control in MVC? If so, we would like to let you know that it is not possible to use the asp.net controls in MVC platform. Please refer the below forum for more details on this.
Kindly provide the above detail, so that we can proceed further.