Anyone knows how to approach this?
At the moment here is what i am doing. I will describe how this is not a suitable solution below.
GridRangeInfoList range = this.gridControl.TableModel.Selections.GetSelectedRows(true, true);
foreach (GridRangeInfo info in range)
if (info.IsRows)
for (int i = info.Top; i <= info.Bottom; i++)
if (this.grdRawData.TableModel.GetDisplayElementAt(i) != null && this.grdRawData.TableModel.GetDisplayElementAt(i).GetRecord() != null)
// attempt #1
this.grdRawData.TableModel.GetDisplayElementAt(i).GetRecord().IsExpanded = true;
// attempt #2
this.grdRawData.TableModel.GetDisplayElementAt(i).GetRecord().SetExpanded(true, true, true);
The problem with these two method is that they are both based on index and after expansion the nested tables takes place of indecies previously assigned to nth selected row.
To make it a bit clearer.
I have first 4 rows selected after I request expansion only first 2 get expanded.
Thank you