Actually there are many issues with also the beta release.
Does the beta release go through any internal testing? I just can''t keep the look-and-feel, as well as the schema saved. It''s stored externallyi in an xml file. But it keeps on flipping back (ignoring all the changes) when the assembly is built.
Just try to load and save schema''s and
try to customize a column to a different editor (e.g. rich text box). It''s just all too unpredictable what is happening in design mode.
I wonder why I keep trying.
It''s so much easier to hard-code it and skip this ''easy''-(??)-to-use WYSIWYG design stuff.
What I would recommend is that not just throw out a new Beta version every week. But really collect and really try to fix all issues and let somebody else (the non Grid Group programmer) e.g. a salesperson try to use the tool.
So that is a bit more then just trying to compile the examples!
Sorry if it all sounds a bit harsh. I''m just getting a bit tired of it.
Good luck with all the fixes
>I just downloaded the latest version.
>When I drop and drag a GridGroupControl on a form, initially it''s partly drawn white.
>When I go to the Preview-edit mode and later on try to save it, the preview in designers mode throws the following exception.
>See image for more detailed stack
>Although I do have the feeling that the look-and-feel as well as the schema has been saved correctly
>>With the beta update several exceptions have been taken care of. Can you try again with the latest update and let us know if there are still problems?
>>Stefan Hoenig
>>>Strange error when trying to exit Group-grid designers mode