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How can I create a ControlTemplate for a HeaderedItemsControl ?

Platform: WPF| Category: Templates

ControlTemplate can be created for a HeaderedItemsControl as follows.


<!--Define a control template for a HeaderedItemsControl-->
<Style TargetType='HeaderedItemsControl'>
  <Setter Property='Template'>
      <ControlTemplate TargetType='{x:Type HeaderedItemsControl}'>
            <Rectangle Fill='{TemplateBinding Background}'/>
            <ContentPresenter ContentSource='Header'/>
            <Rectangle Stroke='{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}'/>
            <ItemsPresenter Margin='2,0,0,0'/>


<HeaderedItemsControl  xmlns:sys='clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib'
                       Header='My colors'

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