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How do you persist any object in the registry

Platform: WinForms| Category: General IO

To store an object in the registry, the object should be serializable (either has a Serializable attribute attached to it or derives from ISerializable; same holds to all contained objects).

	ArrayList names;	// Source object; Can contain any object that is serializable
	... // Fill up this arraylist

	BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
	MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream();
	formatter.Serialize(stream1, names);

	RegistryKey regKey;
	... // Open the key where you want to store it, with write permissions
	regKey.SetValue('ValueName', stream1.ToArray());
	To Read from registry:
	ArrayList names;	// Destination object
	RegKey regKey;
	...	// Open the corresponding key

	BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
	MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream();
	byte[] barray1 = null;
	barray1 = (byte[])regKey.GetValue('ValueName');
	if(barray1 != null)
		stream1.Write(barray1, 0, barray1.Length);
		MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream();
		byte[] barray1 = null;
		barray1 = (byte[])regKey.GetValue('ValueName');
		if(barray1 != null)
			stream1.Write(barray1, 0, barray1.Length);
			stream1.Position = 0;
		names = formatter.Deserialize(stream1) as ArrayList;

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