How do I use a tap gesture with a BoxView?

Platform: .NET MAUI| Category: Controls

In .NET MAUI, you can make a BoxView respond when a user taps on it by using something called a tap gesture. This lets you tell the BoxView what to do when someone taps it. Here is an example:

public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
     public BoxView myBoxView;
     public MainPage()

         myBoxView = new Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BoxView()
             WidthRequest = 200,
             HeightRequest = 200,
             Color = Colors.Blue

         // Create a TapGestureRecognizer
         var tapGesture = new TapGestureRecognizer();
         tapGesture.Tapped += OnBoxViewTapped;

         // Attach the TapGestureRecognizer to the BoxView

         StackLayout views = new StackLayout()
             Children = { myBoxView }
         Content = views;

     private void OnBoxViewTapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // Handle the tap gesture here
         myBoxView.Color = Colors.Red; // Change the color, for example

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