.NET Core

Syncfusion WinForms and WPF controls support in .NET Core 3.0


.NET Core 3.0 has been released, supporting Windows desktop applications on platforms such as Windows Forms (WinForms), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Entity Framework 6. It also provides cross development among Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP, providing developers an opportunity to use the modern interfaces of UWP in Windows Forms and WPF. Overall, .NET Core 3.0 gives WinForms and WPF an easy access to benefit all its technology. To learn more about .NET Core 3.0, refer to these posts:



In this blog, I am going to walk through creating a WinForms .NET Core app that includes the Syncfusion DataGrid control. You can follow similar procedure to create WPF .NET Core app.


The prerequisites for creating a .NET Core application are:

Creating a Windows Forms App (.NET Core)

Once the installation is done, we create a .NET Core WinForms application. In Visual Studio 2019, you can create a Windows Forms App (.NET Core) directly from the File > New Project > Create a new project dialog.

Creating a new Windows Forms .NET Core App project in Visual Studio 2019

Open the project, remove the default template and then, include Syncfusion WinForms controls either using the NuGet package or by adding assembly references from the precompiled assemblies location. To learn more about Syncfusion WinForms controls’ NuGet packages and assembly references, refer to this documentation.

Precompiled Assembly Location: <system drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\Windows\<Essential Studio: Installed Version>\precompiledassemblies\netcoreapp3.0

If you choose to install the required assemblies as a NuGet package, search for the Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.WinForms package and install it.

If you choose to add assemblies from the precompiled assemblies location, please add this list of assemblies:

  • Core.WinForms
  • Data.WinForms
  • DataSource.WinForms
  • GridCommon.WinForms
  • Licensing
  • SfDataGrid.WinForms
  • SfInput.WinForms
  • SfListView.WinForms
  • Shared.Base

Here, I have chosen the former way.

SfDataGrid NuGet package installed in the project

After installing the NuGet package, we initialize the WinForms DataGrid control and assign a data source in “Form1.cs”.

using System.Data;
using Syncfusion.WinForms.DataGrid;

namespace NETCoreWFDemo
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            SfDataGrid sfDataGrid1 = new SfDataGrid();
            sfDataGrid1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(5, 5);
            sfDataGrid1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1240, 1150);
            sfDataGrid1.DataSource = GetDataTable();

        public DataTable GetDataTable()
            DataTable employeeCollection = new DataTable();
            var dt = DateTime.Now;

            employeeCollection.Columns.Add("EmployeeID", typeof(int));
            employeeCollection.Columns[0].ColumnName = "Employee ID";
            employeeCollection.Columns.Add("EmployeeName", typeof(string));
            employeeCollection.Columns["EmployeeName"].ColumnName = "Employee Name";
            employeeCollection.Columns.Add("CustomerID", typeof(string));
            employeeCollection.Columns["CustomerID"].ColumnName = "Customer ID";
            employeeCollection.Columns.Add("Country", typeof(string));
            employeeCollection.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));

            employeeCollection.Rows.Add(1001, "Belgim", "YHGTR", "US", new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day));
            employeeCollection.Rows.Add(1002, "Oliver", "LDON", "UK", new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.AddDays(-1).Day));
            employeeCollection.Rows.Add(1003, "Bernald", "ALFKI", "US", new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.AddDays(-5).Day));
            employeeCollection.Rows.Add(1004, "James", "YHGTR", "US", new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.AddDays(-1).Day));
            employeeCollection.Rows.Add(1005, "Beverton", "BERGS", "Europe", new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day));

            return employeeCollection;

On executing this project, we will get an output like this screenshot.

WinForms DataGrid bound to a DataTable

NOTE: Like WinForms applications, WPF .NET Core applications can also be created by choosing WPF App (.NET Core) in the Create a new project dialog. Once the project is created, you can add Syncfusion WPF controls following a similar procedure. Online help links are provided later to help you out in adding Syncfusion WPF controls.


In this blog, we have gone through the steps to create a Windows Forms App (.NET Core) and include the Syncfusion DataGrid control in it. You can try creating projects with other supported Syncfusion WinForms controls and WPF controls available and share your feedback with us through our support forumDirect-Trac, or our Feedback Portal.

If you are an existing customer, please download the new version of Essential Studio from the download page and try the .NET Core 3.0-supporting WinForms controls and their features for yourself. If you are a new customer, you can try our 30-day free trial to evaluate our controls.

Windows Forms Sample Link: https://github.com/SyncfusionExamples/.net-core-3.0-winforms-demo

WPF Sample Link: https://github.com/SyncfusionExamples/.net-core-3.0-wpf-demo

Online Help Links:











Hari Venkatesh E

Hari Venkatesh works as a Product Manager in Syncfusion, a UI component-based company. He who works with diversified .NET platforms, specifically in Web Technology and Windows Forms, to provide technical guidance and solutions.