Radial Menu Command Binding

Written by Jawahar, Syncfusion Inc.

Radial Menu has the ability to add items through ItemsSource property. A collection of different types of objects can be added into the Items collection. If the ItemsSource is not null, the items in the items property are read-only. You cannot add an object or change the objects in the Items property.

In this case, it is pretty easy to customize each item using ItemTemplate, but there is a problem in binding the Command property to every item. It is not possible to set binding through the style setter like you would be able to in WPF.

<setter property="Command" value="{Binding Command}"></setter>

The Value property of the Setter class in WinRT is not a dependency property and binding does not work in this case. To overcome this problem in Radial Menu, there is a Path property similar to the DisplayMemberPath property we have in all ItemsControls.

For example, let’s bind a collection of an object containing Command property:

public class Model
   public string Header { get; set; }
   private ICommand _command;
   public ICommand Command
     get { return _command ?? (_command = new DelegateCommand(delegate { ExecuteCommand(); })); }

   private void ExecuteCommand()
    //Do some work....

Let’s create a ViewModel which contains a collection of Model objects:

 public class ViewModel
   public List Commands { get; set; }
   public ViewModel()
     Commands = new List
       new Model {Header = "Cut"},
       new Model {Header = "Copy"},
       new Model {Header = "Paste"},
       new Model {Header = "Undo"},
       new Model {Header = "Redo"}

The CommandPath property in Radial Menu is used to map the Command property in the model object to the Radial Menu Item Command property.

<syncfusion:sfradialmenu itemssource="{Binding Commands}" commandpath="Command">
 <stackpanel margin="5">
<textblock text="" margin="2" horizontalalignment="Center" fontfamily="Segoe UI Symbol" fontsize="25"></textblock>
<textblock text="{Binding Header}" margin="2" horizontalalignment="Center"></textblock>

The output of the above code shows a Radial Menu with 5 items. Clicking an item will execute the command bound to it.
