Essential JS 2: the only JavaScript UI toolkit you’ll need

When we released Essential Studio 2017 Volume 4, it included a big surprise for web developers: a new generation of Syncfusion JavaScript components. They’re built on TypeScript, compiled into JavaScript, and have no external dependencies. We’ve named the collection Essential JS 2.

We built Essential JS 2 to be the only JavaScript UI toolkit web developers will ever need. That means a focus on modularity, light weight, responsiveness, performance, accessibility, globalization, and built-in themes. All told, the entire framework is only 240 KB, but it can be reduced even further by only including the specific components you need in your project.


Essential JS 2 autocomplete and circular gauge compnents

Right now, Essential JS 2 includes more than 25 components, spanning data visualization, layout, navigation, and editor components. The most popular components are the grid component, which provides a robust, interactive grid with support for data binding, grouping, sorting, filtering, and more, and the chart component, which features line, area, bar, financial, scatter, and other chart types to suit virtually any scenario. You can check out demos of all the chart types here, and demos of the grid component features here.

Essential JS 2 Range Column Chart

We’ve also taken into account the importance of third-party frameworks in modern web development. That’s why Essential JS 2 can be integrated with frameworks like Angular and React, and we’re planning to provide more framework integration options in future releases.

We’ve compiled a list of goals that we hope to implement going forward to further enhance the collection. Highlights of these points include client-side export libraries for Excel, Word, and PDF file formats; an improved user guide and API reference; more built-in themes; more components, including schedule, tree grid, diagram, kanban, and Gantt controls, to name a few; and a visual theme composer.

As with all our components and platforms, we’ll be listening closely to user feedback to meet the demands of developers in the field. You can download the source code from GitHub, check out the entire collection for yourself, and then provide feedback through GitHub or Direct-Trac. So download it today, and tell every web developer you know about Essential JS 2. Together we can make Essential JS 2 the best JavaScript UI toolkit possible.

P.S.: If you want to catch Essential JS 2 components in action, register for our upcoming webinar, “How to create apps with Syncfusion and Angular 5,” presented by Syncfusion Product Manager Chad Church on Tuesday, December 19 at 11 AM EST. You can register here. If you’re unable to attend, register anyway and we’ll send you a recording afterward.

Graham High

Graham High is a senior content producer for Syncfusion.