Copying and Pasting Excel Sheet Data to Grid ASP.NET MVC

As a member of the Grid ASP.NET MVC team, I discovered a cross-browser way to access data pasted in an HTML <div> element. I was wondering whether this could be replicated in our Syncfusion grid control to paste data from Excel, and gave it a try. It actually works!

The following procedure illustrates how to perform this operation in the grid control.

Essential Grid – Settings        

For the purpose of this demo, I have used a simple grid configuration. The following code example illustrates how to define the grid in the view page and controller.


public ActionResult Index()
return View();
// Passing Data to View.
public JsonResult GetData()
IEnumerable data = EmployeeRepository.GetEmployees();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public JsonResult Index(string pastedData)
if (pastedData != null)
// Parsing pasted data to Actual type.
var parsed = (List)new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(pastedData, typeof(List));
// Updating the Database.
// Getting data from repository.
var data = EmployeeRepository.GetEmployees().ToList();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Converting Pasted Data to JSON

The HTML markup and jQuery scripts play a vital role in getting clipboard Excel information and converting it to JSON. Also, for this purpose, I have written the jquery.pastable.js file in the jQuery plug-in style.

Note: The jquery.pastable.js file is attached with the sample at the end of this post.

The final script and HTML markup are as follows.  


Paste your Excel data here:



$(document).ready(function ()
// Binding the paste-able jQuery plug-in.
OnPasteComplete: function (data) {
var jsonData = [];
// Ensuring the pasted information is Excel data or HTML table data.
if (data instanceOf Object) {
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
url: "/Home/Index"
type: "POST",
data: { pastedData: JSON.stringify(jsonData) },
success: function (gridData) {
// Acquiring grid object and updating data source.
var gridObj = $("#Grid").data("ejGrid");

The output appears as follows.

Excel Data

Before pasting.

After pasting.

As seen here, the client-side and server-side libraries of Essential Grid for ASP.NET MVC are flexible and can be used for all programming needs of yours.

You can also download a sample on this here.

Content Contributors: Bharath M; Alan Sangeeth S Content Editor: GeeGee Inekeya
