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Looksup are missing in Excel 2007


I am opening a Excel File (version 97-2003) like this

excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.Open("Path", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);

In My workbook, I have many WorkSheets.Based on logic , I am hidding some of the worksheets.

After that i activated and saved the workbook.

But i am opening the Excell file i am missing some of the lookups like (dropdown of country list etc) in some worksheets and populating the same lookups in some worksheets. What might be the problem?

In My machine, installed Excell Version is 2007 But i am opening Excell 2003 file.

I am using Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll version

Can you please help me out.


Mohan Kumar



4 Replies

MK Manoj Kumar G M Syncfusion Team July 24, 2012 12:42 PM UTC

Hi Mohan,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We have analyzed the details which you have posted in the last post and we were not able find the actual cause of this issue. So it’s not possible to fix this issue without the input excel file. Please could you share us the input template which reproduces the issue. This will be helpful for us to further investigate on this issue.

Please let us know if you require any further clarifications.



MV Mohankumar Venugopal July 26, 2012 08:21 AM UTC


I can't post the Excel Sheet due to some security reasons.

Let me explian the scenario cleary for your understaing. I Have a Excel Sheet with many worksheets. Most of the worksheet contains city drop down list and so on.My requirement is to download the excel file and based on the worksheet selection in my application , i want to show the selected work sheets in Excel sheet and hide the remaining.

I follow the following procedure.

1. I copied the Base Excel file to some temporary folder.

2. I opened the excel file from tempfolder using the below code

    application.SkipOnSave = SkipExtRecords.None;

     application.SkipOnSave = SkipExtRecords.CopySubstreams;

     workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("FilePath", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);

3. Hiding Unwanted worksheets.

4.Save the Excel File using below code.




When opening the file,In some worksheets we are missing the lookups in Excel 2007.Surprisingly we haven't  facing any problem with Excel 2003.








MV Mohankumar Venugopal July 26, 2012 08:22 AM UTC


Do we need to anything in code for Excel Version Compatibility.



MK Manoj Kumar G M Syncfusion Team July 30, 2012 03:25 AM UTC

Hi Mohan,

Thanks for your update.

The above reported issue has been fixed in our latest version The reported version is almost 20 versions back and also migrating from the latest version to the requires huge amount of migration in the supporting products. So we strongly recommend you to upgrade your essential studio version to our latest version.

We provided the latest version download link for your reference.


Please let us know if you need any clarification



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