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Error wih excel

We are using vstudio2003 and Essential Studio Backoffice v 4.400.0.51
We have a problem usin excel.
for example:
hoja.Range(F, C).Formula = FormulaFinal

and i save the book as :


where formulafinal = "881147,42+B1+881147,42"
where B1 = 10

when i open the book "c:\work\libro2.XLS" In the place of comma places point and comma

like = "881147;42+B1+881147;42" is an error
¿how can i to solve this problem?

(im sorry for my english)


3 Replies

MW Melba Winshia Syncfusion Team July 3, 2007 10:40 AM UTC

Hi Haf,

Thank you for your interest in Essential XlsIO.

You can solve this problem by using separator "." instead of ",". Please refer the following code snippet to achieve this:


string formulafinal = "881147.42+B1+881147.42";

sheet.Range["C5"].Formula = formulafinal;

Here is the sample for your reference:


Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


HI Hixem July 11, 2007 10:11 AM UTC

>Hi Haf,

Thank you for your interest in Essential XlsIO.

You can solve this problem by using separator "." instead of ",". Please refer the following code snippet to achieve this:


string formulafinal = "881147.42+B1+881147.42";

sheet.Range["C5"].Formula = formulafinal;

Here is the sample for your reference:


Please let me know if you need any further assistance.



MW Melba Winshia Syncfusion Team July 11, 2007 12:32 PM UTC

Hi Haf,

We have identified this issue to be a defect and we thank you for bringing this to our attention. To facilitate tracking the progress of the fix, and timely resolution, we request you to create an incident in our incident database Direct Trac. Our development team would be able to determine the fix and alert you with the service pack download details as soon as they are made available.


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