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How to render particular part of a data in Cartesian charts (SfCartesianChart) ?

1 min read

SfCartesianChart widget provides support to view the required set of data from a larger collection. This can be achieved using the initialVisibleMinimum and initialVisibleMaximum properties of an axis.

Consider that, we are having 10 data points from which you need to view 4 data, then you can specify the initialVisibleMinimum as 4 and initialVisibleMaximum as 7 in an axis. Now, only the data from 4 to 7 will be visible in the axis.

The following steps explain how to achieve this in the SfCartesianChart.

Step 1: Initialize the Cartesian chart widget with the required parameters and initialize the initialVisibleMinimum and initialVisibleMaximum properties in the x-axis.

 // Assigning visible minimum and maximum to the x-axis.
  primaryXAxis: NumericAxis(
    initialVisibleMinimum: 4, 
initialVisibleMaximum: 7, 
interval: 1   ), )


Step 2: Then to view the remaining data, you can enable the panning in the zoomPanBehavior and pan the chart.

late ZoomPanBehavior zoomPanBehavior;
// Enable the panning
 void initState() {
  zoomPanBehavior = ZoomPanBehavior(enablePanning: true);
// Assigning zoom pan behavior to the chart
    zoomPanBehavior: zoomPanBehavior,












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