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When trying to add effects to an image (replicated with hue, brightness, saturation, contrast, blur, sharpen) on a physical iOS device, the image first turns 90º, then on continued editing will crash with a NullReferenceException. 

Stack Trace:

Xamarin Exception Stack: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: image at UIKit.UIImage.FromImage (CoreGraphics.CGImage image) <0x1056994f8 + 0x000d8> in <79170d3ca0a34f20a27c5ea33d79161f#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at Syncfusion.SfImageEditor.iOS.ImageView.applyContrast_Brightness_SaturationEffects (Syncfusion.SfImageEditor.iOS.ImageEffect effects, System.Single amount, System.Boolean fromToolbar) <0x10748122c + 0x001b3> in <ff1e9d0304b7408cb4e4b3fdd8d63c3a#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at Syncfusion.SfImageEditor.iOS.SfImageEditor.ApplyImageEffect () <0x10748a72c + 0x0007f> in <ff1e9d0304b7408cb4e4b3fdd8d63c3a#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at Syncfusion.SfImageEditor.iOS.ToolBarLayout.OnEffectsSliderValueChanged (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) <0x10747ed14 + 0x000c3> in <ff1e9d0304b7408cb4e4b3fdd8d63c3a#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at UIKit.UIControlEventProxy.Activated () <0x1056942fc + 0x0004f> in <79170d3ca0a34f20a27c5ea33d79161f#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(int,string[],intptr,intptr) at UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.IntPtr principal, System.IntPtr delegate) <0x10568cfd4 + 0x0003f> in <79170d3ca0a34f20a27c5ea33d79161f#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0   at UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.String principalClassName, System.String delegateClassName) <0x10568cf2c + 0x00053> in <79170d3ca0a34f20a27c5ea33d79161f#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 at Itx.iOS.Application.Main (System.String[] args) <0x1047d2cc0 + 0x0002f> in <58228e770a8f4d6f83e8309cf9d5d8fe#2b7b233da673d00449a880523a4e50d1>:0 

This has been reproduced on iOS 12.4.2, 13.2.3, and 13.3.1 on iPad Air, iPad Mini 4, iPhone 8 Plus and iPad 5th Generation. The issue has not been reproducible on simulator, only physical device. I have marked this as Xamarin.iOS because the issue has only appeared on iOS, but my application is a Xamarin.Forms app using version The Android version works fine with the same configuration.
Reproduction Steps: On an iPad as described above, load any image into the editor, click on effects -> saturation and begin dragging the slider. The image should rotate almost immediately. Continue to make effect changes and the app should crash within a few alterations.