How To Create Parallel Coordinate Chart In .NET MAUI

This article offers a comprehensive guide to creating a Parallel Coordinate Chart in .NET MAUI.
You can achieve the parallel coordinates chart using the .NET MAUI Cartesian Chart by incorporating multiple spline or line series and utilizing axis crossing support to arrange the chart axes in parallel.
A Parallel Coordinate Chart for visualizing multidimensional data, where each axis represents a variable, and data points are displayed as lines or curves connecting these parallel axes. This guide walks you through the steps to implement such a visualization effectively in .NET MAUI.
The following steps and code examples illustrate how to create the parallel coordinates chart using SfCartesianChart.
Step 1: Create a custom parallel coordinates chart by inheriting from the SfCartesianChart class and initializing the chart setup through the GenerateChart method.
public class ParallelCoordinateChart:SfCartesianChart
public ParallelCoordinateChart()
Step 2: This method manages the complete chart setup, including the configuration of axes, series, and visual styling elements such as color palettes.
private void GenerateChart()
var xAxes = GenerateXAxes();
var yAxes = GenerateYAxesList();
foreach(var yaxis in yAxes)
var paletteBrushes = new List<Brush>
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#800080")),
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#6495ED")),
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#32CD32")),
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#FFD700")),
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#FF6347")),
new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb("#8A2BE2")),
this.PaletteBrushes = paletteBrushes;
var serieslist = GenerateSeries(yAxes);
foreach(var series in serieslist)
Step 3: Generate the X-axis for the chart and create a list of Y-axes, each representing a different variable from the view model data source.
private NumericalAxis GenerateXAxes()
var xAxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 0,
Maximum = 4,
Interval = 1,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
PlotOffsetStart = 20,
PlotOffsetEnd = 50,
CrossesAt = double.MaxValue,
xAxes.LabelCreated += (s, e) =>
e.Label = e.Position switch
0 => "Model",
1 => "Horsepower",
2 => "Torque",
3 => "FuelEfficiency",
4 => "Price",
_ => string.Empty
return xAxes;
private List<NumericalAxis> GenerateYAxesList()
var viewmodelData = new ViewModel().Source;
var firstItem = viewmodelData.First();
var properties = firstItem.GetType().GetProperties();
var list = new List<NumericalAxis>();
foreach ( var property in properties)
if(property.Name == "CarModel")
var yaxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 0,
Maximum = 4,
Interval = 1,
CrossesAt = 0,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
LabelsPosition = AxisElementPosition.Inside,
yaxes.LabelCreated += (s, e) =>
e.Label = e.Position switch
0 => "CarA",
1 => "CarB",
2 => "CarC",
3 => "CarD",
4 => "CarE",
_ => string.Empty
else if(property.Name == "Horsepower")
var yaxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 100,
Maximum = 240,
Interval = 20,
CrossesAt = 1,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
LabelsPosition = AxisElementPosition.Inside,
else if (property.Name == "Torque")
var yaxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 100,
Maximum = 500,
Interval = 50,
CrossesAt = 2,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
LabelsPosition = AxisElementPosition.Inside,
else if (property.Name == "FuelEfficiency")
var yaxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 5,
Maximum = 40,
Interval = 5,
CrossesAt = 3,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
LabelsPosition = AxisElementPosition.Inside,
else if(property.Name == "Price")
var yaxes = new NumericalAxis()
Minimum = 10000,
Maximum = 50000,
Interval = 5000,
CrossesAt = 4,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
LabelsPosition = AxisElementPosition.Inside,
return list;
Step 4: The GenerateSeries method creates a list of SplineSeries to visualize multidimensional data across parallel axes. It normalizes raw data values to a uniform scale (0–4) using the Normalize method and maps car model names to numerical indices with CarModelIndex method, ensuring consistent and accurate representation of data.
private List<SplineSeries> GenerateSeries(List<NumericalAxis> yAxes)
var viewModel = new ViewModel();
var seriesList = new List<SplineSeries>();
foreach (var chartModel in viewModel.DataSource)
var itemSource = new ObservableCollection<SeriesModel>();
for (int axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < yAxes.Count; axisIndex++)
double yValue = 0;
var model = chartModel.Variable[0] as Model;
switch (axisIndex)
case 0:
yValue = Normalize(CarModelIndex(model.CarModel), 0, 4);
case 1:
yValue = Normalize(model.Horsepower, 100, 240);
case 2:
yValue = Normalize(model.Torque, 100, 500);
case 3:
yValue = Normalize(model.FuelEfficiency, 5, 40);
case 4:
yValue = Normalize(model.Price, 10000, 50000);
itemSource.Add(new SeriesModel(axisIndex, yValue));
var series = new SplineSeries()
ItemsSource = itemSource,
XBindingPath = nameof(SeriesModel.XValues),
YBindingPath = nameof(SeriesModel.YValues),
return seriesList;
private double Normalize(double value, double min, double max)
double diff = max - min;
return ((value - min) / diff) * 4;
private int CarModelIndex(string carModel)
return carModel switch
"Car A" => 0,
"Car B" => 1,
"Car C" => 2,
"Car D" => 3,
"Car E" => 4,
_ => -1
Step 5: This ViewModel class contains DataSource and Source. It generates a collection of Model objects with car details using GenerateData method, then wraps each Model in a ChartModel and adds it to DataSource.
public class ViewModel
public ObservableCollection<ChartModel> DataSource { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Model> Source { get; set; }
public ViewModel()
Source = GenerateData();
DataSource = new ObservableCollection<ChartModel>();
foreach (var data in Source)
DataSource.Add(new ChartModel(new List<object> { data }));
private ObservableCollection<Model> GenerateData()
var data = new ObservableCollection<Model>()
new Model { CarModel = "Car A", Horsepower = 220, Torque = 400, FuelEfficiency = 10, Price = 50000 },
new Model { CarModel = "Car B", Horsepower = 150, Torque = 350, FuelEfficiency = 15, Price = 15000 },
new Model { CarModel = "Car C", Horsepower = 200, Torque = 150, FuelEfficiency = 20, Price = 30000 },
new Model { CarModel = "Car D", Horsepower = 180, Torque = 300, FuelEfficiency = 30, Price = 25000 },
new Model { CarModel = "Car E", Horsepower = 120, Torque = 200, FuelEfficiency = 35, Price = 40000 }
return data;
Step 6: The Content page contains the ParallelCoordinateChart control, which renders the parallel coordinate chart on the page.
<Border StrokeShape="RoundRectangle 10" Stroke="Black" Margin="5">
<local:ParallelCoordinateChart Margin="10"/>
Path too long exception
If you are facing a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to a shorter name before building the project.
For more details, refer to the KB on how to create Parallel coordinate chart in .NET MAUI.