Here is the list of types of directives in Angular.

Custom Directives

Attribute Directives

Structural Directives

Component Directives

Types of Directives

Angular Directives

Angular Directives

A directive is a class used to add additional behavior to elements. They play a significant role when it comes to displaying templates or HTML pages in Angular projects.

Types of Directives

In Angular, there are four types of directives available: • Component directives • Structural directives • Attribute directives • Custom directives

Component Directives

The most-used directives in Angular, component directives specify the HTML templates for the DOM layout using the @component decorator. This decorator is used to determine how the component should be instantiated, processed, and used at a runtime.

Structural Directives

A structural directive, which is prefixed with an asterisk (*), is used to add or remove an HTML element itself in the DOM layout. *NgIf, *NgFor, and *NgSwitch are its built-in types.

Attribute Directives

Attribute directives are helpful if you want to modify an existing HTML element's behavior or style without encapsulating it in a new component. The most popular built-in attribute directives are NgClass and NgStyle.

Custom Directives

Custom directives use the @directive decorator to customize the appearance of HTML elements such as text color, background color, and font size. We can create custom attribute and structural directives.

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