Dive into the world of the Angular Dashboard layout with a spotlight on these five standout features


Component Placement

Floating Support

Drag and Drop and Resize Panels

Dynamic Layout Design

Dynamic Layout Design

The Angular Dashboard Layout component helps create  a dynamic dashboard layout by adding, removing, resizing, floating, and reordering the panels .

Drag and Drop and Resize Panels

Drag and drop the panels smoothly to replace or reorder them at the desired position inside the dashboard layout . Also panels  can be resized for effective presentation of data.

Floating Support

To fill any empty spaces in the layout, panels within the layout will automatically arrange themselves by floating upward. This results in effective use of the entire layout.

Component Placement

Incorporate any HTML content or HTML UI elements, such as Grids, Charts, Gauges, Maps, and more into the dashboards as panel content to display the metrics or KPI.


Several built-in themes including high contrast, Fabric (Office 365), Bootstrap, and Material, are supported by the Angular Dashboard Layout. Users can modify any of these themes using our Theme Studio software or overriding SASS variables.

Syncfusion Angular Dashboard Layout 

Syncfusion Angular Dashboard layout is a grid-structured layout component that helps in the creation of static and dynamic dashboard layouts with panels.

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