Explore the top 5 features of WinForms Syntax Editor control.

· Syntax highlighting · IntelliSense · Editing support · Search and replace    dialog · Selection

Syntax highlighting

The Syntax Editor control offers built-in syntax highlighting and code editing experiences for: C# , VB.NET, XML, HTML, Java, SQL, PowerShell, C, JavaScript, VBScript, Delphi.


IntelliSense boosts coding efficiency with code completion options displayed in a pop-up, reducing errors and typos for faster and more accurate coding.

Editing support

The text editor has features such as clipboard support, unlimited undo and redo, drag and drop, block and indent and outdent for editing text documents and source code files.

Search and replace dialog

Find and replace dialog windows, similar to in Microsoft Visual Studio, let you search, highlight, and replace text conveniently in the text editor.


Choose between normal selection and rectangular block selection. Select lines from specific columns, similar to Microsoft Visual Studio text editor functionality.

Syncfusion WinForms Syntax Editor

The WinForms Syntax Editor control is a powerful text editor control. It provides a built-in syntax highlighting and code editing experience for popular languages.

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